The Beauty of Blended Learning

Here at Futureproof Training we’re a huge believer of the 70/20/10 learning principle and see this methodology underpin our development programmes and blended learning is a vital part of that thinking.  But we’re not just talking about classroom and digital learning, we see mixing classroom or modular learning with initiatives such as workshops, action learning sets, skills practice scenarios, 1:1 coaching, workplace shadowing, project work, buddy and networking groups, job rotation and accreditation as the key to making the people development stick.

Gone are the days where the ‘dip’ approach to learning, particularly in the people management space is enough and businesses are becoming ever more aware that a more blended approach reaches far further than the classroom and bringing delegates back together for shorter, more targeted interventions is proving to be massively successful.  Of course, selecting the right mix of learning methods and initiatives is important, but businesses should be brave and not think that just putting managers through a course is going to hit the mark.

Getting past the why is vital and answering the why am I here / why now / why me is the key difference to providing a good experience for delegates and providing a blended programme that will evolve and flex to their specific needs will always increase interest, awareness and engagement.

As we know, any method of workplace learning must support individuals, teams or the organisation as a whole to build capability that meets business needs. As working environments become more complex and greater agility is needed to ensure employees’ capability, it’s more important than ever to apply the breadth of different learning methods available.

Adopting the blended approach to learning comes with a number of benefits such as; offering a more tailored, personalised delegate experience,  ensuring content is company and industry specific, workshops are followed up with other innovative development initiatives, handing more ownership to the delegates and giving the learners the ability to learn they way they want to.

To learn more about our fully blended management development programmes for various levels of experience, contact us at or click on any of the links below: